Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Daily Dose of Dark Chocolate

Have you had yours?  You should:
Daily Dose of Dark Chocolate May Help Lower Blood Pressure

I like to have chocolate once a day.  It actually helps me stick to a healthy diet.  For example, if a co-worker brings cake into the office for a birthday or whatnot (and office birthday cake is almost always vanilla), I can say, "No, thanks" and just wait for later, when I'll have a small handful of chocolate chips, a glass of chocolate milk, or a spoonful of Nutella.  Instead of eating out of obligation or boredom, I just wait for what I really love -- chocolate.

I think one key, though, is to savor chocolate when you do have it.  Don't do anything else while you eat it; just love the flavor.  You'll feel satiated in a way you won't with any other food, and that's good because then you won't keep trying a bajillion sugary or fattening things to get that gratified feeling.

So.  Get out there and enjoy some chocolate!

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