Friday, February 10, 2012

Why do Chocolate Chips Hold Their Shape?

While baking, that is. I've always wondered why chocolate chips maintain their shape, even if they've been in the oven for a while. Well, I now know. It's a matter of fat. They contain less cocoa butter, or fat, and that means they will hold their shape at high temperatures. I don't quite know what the chemistry behind it is, but I'm guessing that fat melts at lower temperatures than say, cocoa powder, which would in turn force a piece of chocolate to lose it's shape.

At any rate, chocolate chips have less fat. Chocolate bars, on the other hand, don't. So it's important to bake with a chocolate bar instead of chocolate chips, if a recipe calls for it. If you want a silky smooth chocolate mixture, go for the bar. :)


Gretchen Alice said...

This makes so much sense! Thanks, Sara!

cardlady said...

They also contain parafin, or wax. That is why they retain their shape. Some candy bars (cheaper ones) contain more parafin than chocolate and are stiff and dont melt so well in your mouth. WALA!
You never asked me this question.