Thursday, November 10, 2011

I Heart Chocolate Silk

A couple of weeks ago, a friend suggested I buy Chocolate Silk. He said it was life-changing. I didn't believe him, but I bought it anyway. I thought maybe he knew what he was talking about.

He knew what he was talking about.

The first time I had soy milk was years ago. My sister-in-law drinks the vanilla-flavored Silk, so I tried it and hated it. (I felt so bad for people with lactose intolerance and thanked my lucky stars that I could pour as much milk on my cereal as I wanted without hesitation.) I thought Chocolate Silk would taste just as bad, especially since ready-made chocolate milk is, in my opinion, gross. (It's always too chocolatey!) Boy, was I wrong! In fact, I love the stuff so much that I drink it nearly every day. I like to have some when I get home from school or work; it gives me something to look forward to. Yesterday, however, I had to go home in the middle of the day, and I was more than a little excited that I'd get to "cheat" and have my glass of Chocolate Silk in the afternoon.

I'm probably addicted now, but there are worse things to get addicted to, right? I mean, I don't eat enough protein as it is . . . And if I'm going to have a chocolate fix each day (which I almost always do), at least it's in the form of soy milk than say, a candy bar. Right? Right??? Can I get a AMEN? ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

coconut silk is incredible --- if you can find it at the store